One Punch Man S2 | ワンパンマン | One Punch-Man 2 | 720p

One Punch Man S2
ワンパンマン S2
12 Episodes | Complete
In the wake of defeating Boros and his mighty army, Saitama has returned to his unremarkable everyday life in Z-City. However, unbeknownst to him, the number of monsters appearing is still continuously on the rise, putting a strain on the Hero Association’s resources. Their top executives decide on the bold move of recruiting hoodlums in order to help in their battle. But during the first meeting with these potential newcomers, a mysterious man calling himself Garou makes his appearance. Claiming to be a monster, he starts mercilessly attacking the crowd.
Producers: TV Tokyo, Good Smile Company, Shueisha, JR East Marketing & Communications, Bandai Namco Arts, Bandai Spirits
Licensors: VIZ Media
Studios: J.C.Staff
Opening Theme
Closing Theme
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)
Aired: Apr 10, 2019 to Jul 3, 2019
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The Hunt Begins
Kari no hajimari (狩りの始まり)
The episode begins in Z-City at Bang's dojo, where a beaten and bruised Charanko lies motionless on the floor. Bang urges him to keep fighting due to him being in the dojo for 6 months, but when Charanko doesn't stand, Bang shames him for not being able to learn any martial arts and kicks him out of the dojo, telling him to never return.
Later, Charanko is seen talking in Saitama's apartment with Genos. When Genos asks Charanko about what happened to him. Charanko explains how Bang suddenly beat him senseless while stating it was a "lesson". King, Fubuki and Saitama can be seen doing their own thing. Genos inquires whether Bang's strange behavior is linked with Garou's recent rampage at the Hero Association and theorizes Bang wanted Charanko to leave in order to keep him safe from Garou's wrath. When Genos asks Saitama over the recent events, Saitama's only thoughts are on Bang's hero name, Silverfang, and ponders how it is far cooler sounding than Caped Baldy.
As Charanko leaves and walks around, he thinks how he himself had been holding Bang back from doing the right thing. As he thinks of what he would do to Garou, he hears Garou himself in the distance, talking with Mumen Rider. Mumen Rider, thinking Garou is a fan of him, is shocked that Garou plans to "hunt heroes", starting with him. As Garou states his intention of being a monster, Tanktop Vegetarian arrives with the Tank Topper Army, seeking revenge for the previous day. Garou quickly punches him and proceeds to attack the rest of the group when Tanktop Master himself arrives, punching Garou away. As an excited Garou sees an S-Class hero in the battle, Tanktop Master punches the ground, splitting the concretes, unbalancing Garou and proceeds to charge and ram Garou with his famous Tanktop Tackle. As the Tank Topper Army marvels at their leader's strength, Garou lands from being launched in the air but bleeds from the hit. Seeing Garou survive, Tanktop Master ponders whether Garou is really human.